Christmas vacation was scheduled to start this Friday for Drew. His first official school vacation! This is a big deal you know. That first school break you kid has kinda makes you realize that he is growing up way too fast. Okay there are a lot of other things that do that like the fact that he can do just about everything himself, he doesnt like you cleaning his face in public any more, and that he talks back too.
Anyways...since we both work we had to find a sitter for Drew during his time off. My parents offered to take him on Friday, but they wanted to go to the cabin this week. So, they took Drew with them on Tuesday and the little guy got 3 extra days of vacation! He left Tuesday around noon and later that day I recieved a call that went something like this:
"Hi daddy. I won aggrivation."
"You did what?"
"I kicked Opa (that is what his calls grandpa) out of the game and then I beat Oma (what he calls grandma)"
"Wow, that is really great Drew. Are you being a good boy?"
"Yup, I am kicking booty!"
Then yesterday they took him skiing up at Tamarack. The call I got was:
"Hi daddy, I won."
"You what?" - notice a pattern forming here?
"I beat Opa and Oma down the hill. I was the leader."
"Wow, that is really great Drew. Are you being a good boy?"
"I kicked their booties!"
Yup, that is my son. He comes home tonight. I hope he isnt wanting to "kick our booty!"