Thursday, August 7, 2008

Home for sale! No charge for the swamp!

I hate people.

I know that sounds pretty harsh, but I have come to the realization that we as a society have become oblivious to anything that happens outside our immediate bubble. There is no such thing as respect for others. There is no concern or care for anything that is not MINE MINE MINE.

What made me finally realize this. One word that I think everyone can sympathise with me on:


I think I need to write a letter to the Lord of the Underworld suggesting he create a 10th plane of hell reserved for neighbors. There really should be a special place for these special people.

We have these neighbors that moved in two doors down from us. We live in a cul-de-sac that seems to get a fair amount of traffic turn around in it. So, these neighbors move in to the house as renters. They are only the 4th set of renters in this house in the last year. Yup, a revolving door a new inhabitants. This set of renters managed to surpass all of the others for trashy. The other 3 sets were all really great people. Kept the yard up, were very polite, and quiet. This couple? Yeah no, not so much.

It only took 2 days for me to realize that I hated them. That is a new record I think as I am usually willing to look past a lot. I think it was the second night I came home and they had 13, yes 13, cars at their house. Oh yeah, not a single car was park along the curb. They all pulled straight up to the house and were piled 5 rows deep out. I had to squeeze between the car parked in front of my house (not visiting us) and the line of other cars just to get to my driveway. Okay, one time I can handle until the next night = same thing. This went on night after night after night. Turns out the guy renting the house owns a bar and everyone was coming to his place to party. He also had his 23 year old daughter and her 2 kids living there with him. Oh yeah and his girlfriend/wife. Did I mention she was 21 and he is 46? Oh yeah, and her kid. Great invironement for the kids with all those party people around all the time at night.

Add that to the fishing boat, revolving round of cars, and the trailer full of ATV's permenantly parked there makes for one really busy neighborhood. Then there is the fact that the feel they have to drive at 100 mph in and out of the place with kids trying to play, mainly my son! doesnt make me too happy.

Then there is the house directly to the right of us. This is where I get to have fun by telling everyone never, and I mean NEVER use a company called Power Enterprises as your landscaper. Unfortunately we didnt have a choice as that was the company the builder used and they would not let us change it. Yup, we purchased during the boom and builders in our area pretty much got away with anything they wanted. the time we built our house everything was flat. Somehow we are now a good 12" lower than the house next door. You know why that is important? Draining. When we moved in and planned our landscaping the last thing I thought would look really good on the side of our house was a mini swamp. I mean swamps can be pretty nice looking, just not in suburbia. Every time the neighbors run their sprinklers the side of our house floods. I have not turned on the side sprinklers once this summer. We even built a mound on the front side of our fence in order to hopefully pool the water up on their side - yeah that didnt work. I have a huge section of lawn that has died due to severe flooding and is now a rotting swamp. The best part about this...the house is empty and owned by a bank. The agent that is selling the house? He doesnt do anything but show the house. He stated it was not his responsibility to control the water at the house.

How does this relate back to Power Enterprise? Note the mention that this whole area was flat before we started building. Power Enterprises came in and did the grading on the property and removed so much top soil that we were now 12" + lower than the neighbor house. It just so happens that I knew the builder of the house next door and when he saw what they did, he brought in several trucks of nice new top soil. He spread it in our yard, redid the grading and it looked fantastic. We came out the next afternoon to check on it and Power Enterprises had already been there, REMOVED ALL the dirt he had brought in, graded to even MORE of an angle so now we were lower than before, and had put the front yard in. When we called the builder they said that it was at code and there was nothing we could do. Now we are dealing with flooding and going to have to call someone out to completely redo that side of our house beacuse of these idiots.

Oh yeah, we called them at least 12 times to come out and fix it as that side of the house was flooding from day one. They came out several times and finally said that it was not their issue any longer since the water was coming from the other yard. Which didnt make any sense since there was no yard put in yet. Then it was our fault for running the sprinklers too long and too often. Then they just stopped returning our calls after I told them I had not had the sprinklers on in over 5 weeks.


In case you missed it.

Now we just had a new neighbor move in behind us. A single mom with her kids. She now has taken the record for pissing me off the fastest. Yesterday was the first day I had even seen anyone there. Last night I got home and they had a sprinkler hooked up to the hose and were watering a section of the back yard. Now, when you are going to water your yard isnt the main point to it to actually get some water on it? She had the water turned up so high it was actually coming over the fence and all the way up to our back porch. I woke up this morning and that fucking sprinkler was still on and now my back yard is a swamp.

If I wanted to live in a swamp I would have moved to one.

I hate people.

1 comment:

Beatnik said...

I feel your pain. Sadly, after years of putting up with Psycho, who would run into his house anytime he saw us outside, then moving next to the most educated retard I think I have had the opportunity of hating. I moved right next door to Satans other Spawn. I was there less than a month and I called child protective services on this tool. We moved out into the wonderful countryside, void of too many opportunities for neighbors to be present. Wrong answer. I had proof the hated neighbor is everywhere I am too. Im convinced, if you moved to a place that had one mile of perimiter wall to keep said Jackasses out, some how, some way, they find a way to touch that last friggin nerve!